What We Do


Current Series - James

The current teaching series is on the book of James in the New Testament. James is a very practical book. A wisdom book of the New Testament. This books helps the Christian consider ways to put their faith into action. This books asks the question, how to live the Wise Life?

Cup of Kindness

Every Tuesday evening 5pm-6pm, we host a community meal for anyone and everyone. Gluten and Lactose free meals are also available.

Mainly Music

Children are introduced to music and creativity plus and families get to connect with each other and hear about Jesus. 9:30am Tuesdays during school term.


A young people’s teaching program. Available to kids through to young adults to come along and learn from the bible. There are games, afternoon tea and age appropriate learning time.


A youth group run in conjunction with Scripture Union. Aimed at youth in years 5-8. There will be fun, food, games and time to look at who Jesus is and why he is important to everyone.